Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Narcolepsy Disorder


Hey there! It's been awhile since i drop my last post here. I miss writing something, but time won't give some of them for me :( Well, as you see in the tittle above, you must be wondering 'What the hell Narcolepsy Disorder is?!?!?!' actually i know what that is around 5 minutes ago and i think 'wow! am i got this disorder?' because i've got all the symptoms.

     Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. The main features of narcolepsy are fatigue and cataplexy. The disease is also often associated with sudden sleep attacks, insomnia, dream-like hallucinations, and a condition called sleep paralysis.

     And once said that despite the perception that people with narcolepsy are perpetually sleepy, they do not typically sleep more than the average person. Narcolepsy is considered a "state boundary" control abnormality. That is, narcolepsy patients sleep a normal amount but cannot control the timing of sleep. And doh! it's so me!

     And my classmate even called me 'Tertidur' because of my bad habit sleeping in the middle of the class discussion. I don't know why is that exactly happen, but all i know is i always get sleepy attact so suddenly!

   Well, i've got another story when i joined a youth camp somewhere in Bandung. One day, we gather around the field and do some outdoor activity like wall climbing, flying fox, and others. and in the middle of the day i suddenly fall asleep! on the ground! in the middle of the day! under the day-sun light that exactly feel so hot right there. and when i woke up, they're gone.

     And i even get that sleepy attact when i join some competition. I know that's quite stupid but i can't control it seriously -___-

     This story of mine make me remember of an Indonesian novel 'Sleepaholic' haha. ok, so don't get suprised for those who ever see me on that situation >_<


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